Our Mathematics Curriculum
At Barnwell Academy, mathematics is given high priority as a core subject. It is our intent to deliver a high-quality, mastery approach driven mathematics curriculum that is aspirational and successfully adapted for all pupils so as to provide: a foundation for understanding the world; the ability to reason mathematically; the opportunity to solve problems through the application of mathematics and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
Mathematics is taught five times a week in a coherently planned and sequence of logical steps in order to develop children’s knowledge, confidence and competence with numbers and place value; calculations of the four number operations; fractions; ratio and proportion; measurement; geometry and statistics.
At the heart of our mathematics is the ability to calculate mentally and through this children cultivate a depth of knowledge of the number system and the skills to solve problems through the use of reasoning and logic in a variety of contexts. Furthermore, children are given regular opportunities to apply their mathematical knowledge within other discrete subjects where there is a natural, holistic link across the curriculum.
It is our belief that the impact of our high expectations equips children for lifelong learning through the application of mathematical knowledge regularly in a range of contexts which develops fluency and promotes depth of reasoning skills.
Maths Overview
maths overviews and medium term planning 2021.pdf